In this 3-part workshop series, learn how to…

Attract clients who respect you, appreciate your expertise and are willing to pay good money for your service so you can finally STOP Competing On Price!

Courses & Programs

Your business should
facilitate your dream lifestyle,

not consume your life

~ Belle Baguley

Founder, The Business Muse

Business Coaching & Mentoring

I’ve worked with Belle now for over 2 years in a community of female entrepreneurs and am pleased to find such a professional, warm and switched on entrepreneur in this digital space!

Belle’s almost 2 decades of experience shines through in her natural ability to look at a business quickly and determine the most strategic, easiest path to profit for growth online.

I highly recommend Belle and her ability to get up to speed quickly and become an asset and trusted confidante for any business wanting to grow strategically and fast.

~ Grace Lever

8-Figure, World-Renowned Coach for Female Entrepreneurs

Done For You Services

Don’t chase other peoples’ definition of success…

What Does Success Mean To YOU?